Learn to SIM Unlock Virgin Plus Phones for Free Here! – 2024

Even though unlocking your phone directly with Virgin Plus is very easy and can be done from your account and their customer service hotline, many people don’t meet the carrier’s unlock criteria and are therefore not eligible to unlock their devices. If that’s your case, keep reading and learn how to unlock Virgin Plus phones from the comfort of your home 100% for free and without having to contact the carrier!

Benefits of SIM Unlocking your Phone from Virgin Mobile’s Network

Benefits of SIM Unlocking your Phone from Virgin Mobile's Network
Benefits of SIM Unlocking your Phone from Virgin Mobile’s Network

Unlocking your device from Virgin Plus will open for you the full potential of your phone’s cellular bands! It will start operating with any carrier’s SIM card worldwide, which means you’ll no longer be tied to Virgin’s network and will have no restrictions on your phone’s usage. This is a pretty big advantage for everyone, but let’s see some more specific examples of situations in which having an unlocked phone is definitely for the best.

If you Travel a lot or are Planning on Moving Abroad

If you travel frequently to other countries, unlocking your phone will guarantee that you’ll be able to temporarily use local SIM cards from other carriers and avoid expensive roaming fees. Also, if you’re planning on moving to another country or city where your service provider doesn’t have coverage, you better unlock your phone โ€”if not, it will stop working because it won’t be able to get connected to any carrier thereโ€”.

If you want to Switch to a Carrier that Better suits your Needs

If your mobile phone is unlocked from the Virgin network, it’ll be able to get connected to any carrier worldwide as it should. This will allow you to take advantage of the best plans, promotional prices, and incentives, no matter if they are offered by another service provider.

If You’re Planning on Reselling your Device

If you bought your phone long ago and want to resell it to get a new one, unlocking it is a pretty important step to do beforehand because unlocked phones not only have a higher commercial value but are much easier to resell โ€”not a lot of buyers want a second-hand phone that can only be used with a single carrierโ€”.

What are the Conditions to Unlock my Phone directly with Virgin Plus?

What are the Conditions to Unlock my Phone directly with Virgin Plus?
What are the Conditions to Unlock my Phone directly with Virgin Plus?

As we were saying, the process to get your network unlock code directly with Virgin Plus is actually very easy, but what concerns a lot of people on the Virgin Plus community forums is that they normally find it hard to meet the carrier’s conditions to get their mobile unlocked. That’s why it is more practical and quick to simply unlock your iPhone or Android phone with an online tool like UnlockHere, because with us you won’t need to worry about requirements like the following ones:

You must be the Phone’s Original Owner

To unlock Virgin Plus phones, you must be the original owner of the device, and it has to be registered under your Virgin Plus account. However, most people dealing with this kind of lock are all those who bought second-hand smartphones without noticing the device only worked with this carrier.

The Phone cannot be reported on the IMEI Blacklist Database

This is pretty common for users who buy second-hand devices as well because people don’t normally check if their device has an IMEI report before making the purchase, so they end up not only with a carrier-locked phone but also with an IMEI report on the new device. If that’s your case, don’t worry because with UnlockHere you can both unlock your phone from Virgin and also remove the blacklist report on the device’s IMEI!

You must be in Good Terms with the Carrier

Something that they implicitly require is that you cannot have any past-due payments or any fraudulent activity associated with your account, so whether your Virgin Plus account is still active or canceled, it has to be completely up to date and the phone has to be fully paid for (in case it was financed on monthly payments).

What do I need to Permanently Unlock Virgin Plus Phones with UnlockHere?

What do I need to Permanently Unlock Virgin Plus Phones with UnlockHere?
What do I need to Permanently Unlock Virgin Plus Phones with UnlockHere?

With UnlockHere’s external unlock service, you don’t need to worry about all the terms and conditions that we mentioned above because as we are a third party, we don’t really need to adhere to the carrier’s criteria. UnlockHere will not require you to provide any documentation or to prove anything, all we’ll need is some key pieces of information because our system needs some details about your phone to successfully unlock it, which includes:

Order Details needed to place your Unlock Request

  • Name and email address: Those are really important for the order creation, for identification purposes, and because we always send a confirmation email for you to activate the order.
  • The IMEI number of the phone: Your phone’s IMEI is pretty important for us to unlock the device as that’s the code that provides us with all the necessary information to remove the restriction from that specific mobile device, which is key for a successful unlock.
  • The brand of the phone: This is required because the unlock process can vary depending on the manufacturer of the wireless device, so you’ll have to let us know whether we’re unlocking a Samsung, a Xiaomi, a Huawei, an Apple device, or any other type of phone.

Steps to Place an Unlock Request in UnlockHere’s Platform

All you need to do to send us your unlock application is go to our official website (UnlockHere.com) and go to our carrier unlock app because that’s where all orders are submitted. You’ll be required to enter the information we mentioned above to be able to unlock your phone, but that’s all you’ll need to do because right after you enter your order details, it’ll be a matter of submitting the request and activating the order.

Unlock your Virgin Mobile iPhone or Android Device with UnlockHere’s Service Now!

Unlock your Virgin Mobile Device with UnlockHere!
UnlockHere is the Best-Known and Most Recommended Unlock Platform Online!

If you need to unlock your phone permanently without risking the device’s performance, jailbreaking or rooting it, or voiding its warranty, and all 100% for free, UnlockHere’s service is perfect for you. Our phone repair platform is available 24/7 worldwide for everyone to safely fix smartphones of any make and model from any mobile carrier including Virgin Plus, so don’t wait up and get started today!

How Long does it take to Unlock a Phone with UnlockHere?

Unlocking your Virgin (Canada) phone to all compatible wireless providers with UnlockHere is pretty quick! The unlock process itself won’t take you more than 5 minutes because everything is automated, so you just have to submit your request, and our AI-powered software will take care of the rest. Now, talking about how long our system takes to unlock a device, well it can take from 1 to 24 hours to complete the process, but it all depends on the number of requests we’re receiving at the moment.

Will I Receive a Phone Unlock Code to Enter on my Device?

Even though in most cases the outcome of an unlock process is a code for the user to enter on the locked device, in UnlockHere it doesn’t work like that. Since our last update, our system started automatically implementing the phone network unlock actualization, so we don’t really need to send you an unlock code, which makes the whole process more friendly to you because it eliminates that unnecessary additional step.